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Delivery of large-size freights

Today transport companies offer full range of services. Addressing professional carrier of "AeroDeluxe", you can be sure that all works will be carried out at the highest level, beginning from highly skilled consultation of the dispatcher, finishing with competent delivery of freight to the recipient. Large carriers not just suggest to execute a certain transportation, but also are capable to solve problems of any complexity.

So, you can order delivery of furniture to giving or execute transportation of valuable fragile freight, can ask for the help for transportation of a small consignment of goods or heavy large-size freight. For professional transport company there are no impracticable tasks, there are interesting orders. Even if you need to execute delivery of the equipment, transportation of construction material - it is possible to execute all this qualitatively and quickly if you address to our company «AeroDeluxe». In our vehicle fleet there is a crane the manipulator to which delivery even of large-size freights happens quickly and qualitatively. Everything that for this purpose is required, it to contact the dispatcher of the company who will not just accept the application, but also will help with selection of the optimum vehicle, will provide the qualified answers on all questions interesting you. So, in need of transportation of large-size freight, delivery will be offered you by the manipulator. Modern lorries equipped with the crane allow to deliver heavy, but at the same time expensive freight, excepting the probability of damages and breakages.

Bulky goods, the heavy equipment, lengthy construction materials - transportation of all these freights demands special approach. Of course, it is possible to go in the traditional way: to call the crane or to use special loaders, and then, having rented the vehicle, to execute transportation of freight. It is possible to solve this problem easier way: to order services of the manipulator. Exactly thanks to the choice of the second option you will be able not only to save considerably, but also to minimize the probability of damage of your freight. Of course, the main aspect of reliable performance of cargo transportation is professional performance of all operations. For this reason "AeroDeluxe" so seriously approaches a question of selection of staff.

Only highly qualified specialists work for us, capable any, even the most difficult task to execute properly. Our dispatchers knowing all subtleties and features of the organization of transportation of any categories of freight will pick up the corresponding transport guaranteeing faultless delivery in the shortest possible time, will quickly provide all information interesting you. Dispatchers of our company will help to make cargo transportation by the most convenient and fast.

Today technical progress allows to save time and money. And we are glad to offer all latest developments for the operational solution of all your questions. Delivery by the manipulator, online consultation by the dispatcher, monitoring of carrying out cargo transportation - all this is available to our clients. To order the manipulator in our company it is available to all. Large manufacturing enterprises and natural persons - all who need urgent and high-quality transportation of a cargo within loading range can count that their problems will be solved in the shortest possible time. Our company can not only provide the crane manipulator for rent, but also completely remove from you all cares on the organization of cargo transportation. In our staff only qualified specialists work. All you need to do is is only to contact our phone dispatcher, and selection of the optimum model of the vehicle demanded loading capacity, calculation of an ideal route, execution of all required documents taking into account all requirements - all this will be executed by specialists of our company. Cargo transportation of difficult freights with our «AeroDeluxe» is a delivery without problems and slips.


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